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Travel Info 旅遊資訊連結
The website links below are about local tour information in Hualien (English available)
You may take a look and get some useful tour information before coming to Hualien!
 (Hualien Tourist Service Network 花蓮旅遊資訊網)
 (Hualien County Government 花蓮縣全球資訊服務網)
(Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau 花蓮縣文化局)
(Taroko National Park Official Website 太魯閣國家公園官方網站
(River Trekking Tour Information 溯溪旅遊資訊)
(Whale watching Tour Information 賞鯨旅遊資訊)
After our summer program, if you would like to explore more the beauty of east side of Taiwan,
We recommend you can head north/south to Yilan County or Taitung County.
Here are some tour information websites about Yilan and Taitung.
(Yilan County Government 宜蘭縣全球資訊服務網)
(Yilan Tourism 宜蘭勁好玩)
(Taitung Travel 台東縣觀光旅遊網)
(Discover Taitung 台東縣政府旅遊資訊)