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【Summer Program】2016 Summer Program of Northeastern University, China

When: 24 July – 4 Aug, 2016

Where: Northeastern University, Shenyang, China

Costs: No participation fee or registration fee for the participants selected

Transportation and accommodation are provided for the duration of the Camp, plus international air tickets from your country/region of residence to Shenyang and back.

Registration and detailed information:


Your Summer at Northeastern University, China

Located in the traditional industrial base of Northeast China—Shenyang, Northeastern   University,  China   (NEU)   is   a   leading   university   directly affiliated to the Ministry of Education of China with around 40,000 students and over 2,600 teaching staff (528 professors), covering an area of over 625 acres.

Since its founding in 1923, NEU has been home to innovative thinking and technology transfer, with close ties to many historical events and figures in China. Guided by the university motto, ―Live what you learn with unremitting efforts for a life-long self-improvement‖, NEUers have created many firsts in Chinese technological innovation: the first university science and technology park in China, the first analogue electronic computer in China, the first listed software company (Neusoft) in China, the first CT scanner in China, to name just a few.

In 2014, the output value generated by the university technology industries reached 12 billion RMB, ranking 3rd in China, only after Peking University and Tsinghua University. After more  than  90  years’ development, NEU has established partnerships with over 200 universities in 34 countries around the world, attaching great importance to comprehensive internationalization in the new round of university reform.

Cross-boarder Exchanges & Cross-disciplinary Cooperation

The 7th  Summer  Camp of International Economics and Management

Scholars at NEU will offer you a precious opportunity to study FOR FREE with brilliant young minds from around the world. Ten prestigious experts from different countries will give you lectures on cutting-edge issues of economics and management. Learning happens when students come together, engage in conversation and dialogue, and work collaboratively. You will get self-improvement in global vision, wisdom, English skills, personalities, creativity and collaborative spirit in the Camp. After the Summer Camp, there are 5 days of Chinese classes and Chinese culture experiencing courses for the international students.

The international students will Enjoy Life Outside the Classroom

When you come here for the summer, you become a part of NEU and the ancient city of Shenyang. In addition to intensive studies and lectures, you will leave your young steps on the floors of Marshal Zhang’s (NEU’s 3rd President) Mansion, on the first walking street of China (Shenyang Zhongjie), in the garden of the first imperial palace of Qing Dynasty (Mukden Palace), and before the Mausoleum of Huang Taiji (Beiling Park), embedding a deep and special stroke in your life with the authentic experience in one of the most famous ancient cities in China.
