【Int'l】【僑生】9/12移民署到校服務 (NIA on campus service)
一、移民署花蓮服務站將於2019年9月12日前來東華大學協助同學們辦理延長居留證效期等事宜。 二、移民署來訪資訊 三、辦理「延長居留證效期」文件 四、辦理「居留證」文件
1. 港澳地區學生
(2) 經驗證之僑居地警察紀錄證明書(未滿20歲免附)
五、照片規格 六、移民署網站:https://www.immigration.gov.tw/mp.asp?mp=1
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear all:
NIA NDHU service time: 1. Document for ARC extension: 2. Document for ARC
(1) Application with passport photo
(2) Original and copy of passport and Resident VISA
(3) Original and copy of student status certificate
(4) Original and copy of admission letter
(5) NTD 1,000 for one year extension (Oversea Chinese Student: NTD 500)
3. Photo format
(1) The photo should be colorful and was taken within 6 months.
(2) The portrait should be without hat, and the face and feathers should be clear.
(3) The background should be white.
4. Website for National Immigration Agency: https://www.immigration.gov.tw/mp.asp?mp=2