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【Int'l】2016-2017 Rotary Club of Taipei Tienmou Foreign Student Scholarship
1. Qualification
Applicant has to be the registered Bachelor or Master student at NDHU. Also, the nationality is not Republic of China (ROC).
2. Regulation
(1) Students who are awarded the scholarship will get a certificate and 50,000 NTD, each semester is 25,000 NTD.
(2) Awarded students have to go to Taipei to get the scholarship and attend the ceremony personally.
(3) Students who can’t comply above rules will be removed from the award list.
2. Required documents
(2) Autobiography
(3) Original transcript (The last two semesters. Freshman doesn’t have to attach it.)
3. Deadline: Before 10/5, 17:00 pm
Prepare all the documents and turn in to OIA. If you pass the deadline, OIA won’t accept the application.
4. The website of Rotary Club of Taipei Tienmou:
OIA Jenny Hsu