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跨文化大使講座系列之十七:因應21世紀高等教育之改變與轉型 Dealing with Change and Transformation in Higher Education in the 21st Century


2.主講:美國加州大學河濱分校(UCR)首席副校長Dr. Paul D'Anieri


因應21世紀高等教育的改變與轉型—Paul  D’ Anieri ,加州大學河濱分校首席副校長

Abstract: “Dealing with Change and Transformation in Higher Education in the 21st Century,” by Paul D’Anieri, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, University of California, Riverside

Higher education around the world is undergoing three major transformations: Globalization is facilitating the flow of students and scholars around the world, increasing competition, and levelling the playing field. Democratization is making higher education available to a much broader socioeconomic range than ever before. Digitalization is changing the way we teach and conduct research, and is changing the very nature of knowledge. The University as an institution, however, has not changed much. Universities around the world are emulating the research university as it emerged in the US in the early 20th century. But that model increasingly seems insufficient. The challenge for the 21st century is to adapt or reinvent universities to both take advantage of globalization, democratization and digitalization, while meeting the challenges to the traditional research university model."
