2017交換學生面試名單及時間公告/Interview Announcement for 2017 Outbound Exchange Students
面試日期和時間/ Interview Date and Time:2016/10/25(點我/Click)、2016/10/27(點我/Click)、2016/10/28(點我/Click) 面試地點/ Interview Place:行政大樓4樓國際長辦公室/ Dean's Office of OIA, 4th Floor, Adminstrative Building 面試等待地點/ Interview Waiting Room:行政大樓4樓416會議室/ 416 Meeting Room, 4th Floor, Adminstrative Building
注意事項/ Notice: 1. 請同學提早5-10分鐘到達。/ Please arrive 5-10 minutes earlier. 2. 由於審查委員時間已排定,請同學勿更改面試時間。/ Interview schedule does not allowed to be switched.
國際處 胡鐿珈 Dylan Hu, OIA 電話/ Tel :8634107 ice@mail.ndhu.edu.tw