【Scholarship】''105 M.O.E. Subsidized Scholarship for Low-Income Overseas Chinese Students'' Award List
各位僑生同學好: 依本校審查會議決議,「105學年度教育部清寒僑生助學金」審查結果,詳如附件獲獎名單。 請獲獎同學於11月15日(二)前至國際處簽名。 大一學生須提供帳戶封面影本。 如有需要領回清寒證明正本,也請於上述時間至國際處領取。謝謝!
Dear Overseas Chinese Students, According to the NDHU review meeting, the result of ‘‘105 M.O.E. Subsidized Scholarship for Low-Income Overseas Chinese Students’’ is revealed as the attached list. For those who receive the scholarship, please come to OIA before November 15 (Tue.) to sign your name. Freshmen needs to provide a copy of the bank book cover. If you would like to take the original copy of ‘‘Certificate of Low-Income Status’’ back, please come to OIA before the above-mentioned time. Thank you!
王韻蘋 Elvia Wang Tel:03-8634113 Email:admission@mail.ndhu.edu.tw