【Scholarship】105 ‘‘Scholarship for Overseas Chinese Students Outstanding both in Academic and Conduct Performance’’ Recipient List
各位僑生同學好: 105年度「學行優良僑生獎學金」獲獎名單如附件。 請獲獎同學於12月2日17:00前到國際處簽名。 獎學金預計於12月中旬匯入獲獎同學帳戶,請耐心等候,謝謝!
Dear Overseas Chinese Students, Attached is the Recipient List of ‘‘Scholarship for Overseas Chinese Students Outstanding both in Academic and Conduct Performance.’’ Recipients please come to OIA to sign your name before 17:00 on December 2. The scholarship will be remitted to the recipients’ bank account around the middle of December. Thank you for your patience.
王韻蘋 Elvia Wang Tel:03-8634113 Email:admission@mail.ndhu.edu.tw