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【Int'l】4/29 境外生花蓮在地小旅行 Hualien Culture Trip

4/29 花蓮日本文化之旅 Haulien Japanese Trip


The Japanese immigrant village in Taiwan was established during the Japanese colonial period between 1895 and 1945. The purpose of establishing this village was to provide a suitable land for the Japanese immigrant to settle in Taiwan. The publicly conduct period by the Karenkō Prefecture in 1909-1917, which introduced around 1700 immigrants into Eastern Taiwan.Although all Japanese immigrants were sent back to Japan when the Japanese colonial rule ended, several immigrant villages still exists. Such as the Yoshino immigrant village, Toyota immigrant village and Hayashita immigrant village. Yet, these villages are open for public to examine the cultural heritages left during the Japanese colonial rule.

Our trip will start from Beilin village and check out Hayashita immigrant village,Hualien Sugar factory and Rueisui village with a knowledgeable guide Mr. Huang. If you're interested in local history,welcome to discover with us!

1. Event Date:Saturday, April 29, 2017
2. Gathering place:Parking Lot, West Community House, NDHU
3. Qualification:International Students in NDHU (including exchange students, foreign students, overseas Chinese students and main-land China students.)
4. How to go:Go and return by the rented bus; locally move by feet.
5. Expense:NT 600 (including transport, lunch & snack, insurance and tour guide. And there will be no refund once you cannot attend the event.)
6. Payment Start:10:00 a.m., Thursday, March 23, 2017 (first Come, first In)
*Please complete on-line registration in advance. Payment location:OIA Office (Room 408, Administration Building) *
7. Seats limit:Chinese Seats 15;English Seats 17 ; Volunteer 5. 
8. On-line registration Web.:


*****We only reserve the seat for someone already paid and finished ON-LINE registration.
*****We will send the pre-notice email to you 3 days ahead of the trip.
*****The schedule may be changed due to weather or the road condition




1. 時間:4月29日(六) 8:40~16:00
2. 地點:花蓮北林移民村、林田村神社、光復糖廠、瑞穗紅葉、紅葉菸樓
3. 費用:600元 (含交通、保險、午餐、點心及專業導覽) 
4. 名額:國際生(中文)15位、國際生(英文)17位、國際處台灣接待志工5位
5. 報名方式:線上報名 
6. 繳費時間:3/23(四)早上10:00~額滿為止
7. 繳費地點:國際處(行政大樓4樓408室)



