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【轉知】2017 IIBD International Case Competition
2017 IIBD International Case Competition

Theme: Entrepreneurship in a Changing Global Environment

To strengthen internationalisation through the enhancement of student and faculty networks, both social as well as professional.
To test students' creativity and problem-solving ability by working under pressure to solve a real world business problem, which highlights the strategic challenges and managerial dilemmas.
To better prepare students to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing global business environment.

All business students from universities around the globe are eligible.
Each university will nominate ONE team and each participating team must consist of not more than 4 members, with not more than one of them being a graduate student.
Students of the same team must come from the same institution at the time of application.
Each team should be supervised by a faculty supervisor.
The hosting institution will be eligible to have one team in the final round of the Competition. 

Competition date: 30 June 2017 (First Round) / 24 November 2017 (Final round)

Award: Up to USD1,000

請於2017/5/22前將報名資料寄送至本校國際處 (,如報名超過一個隊伍,以報名優先順序決定錄取名單。

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