【Int'l】2017 Video Contest: SPARKLING NDHU
2017 影片競賽 VIDEO CONTEST:「SPARKLING NDHU」 Purpose:"2017 Video Contest: SPARKLING NDHU”project is aimed to invite all international students, Overseas Chinese students, and Mainland China students who are currently studying in National Dong Hwa University (NDHU), to spend the day outside the classroom, interaction with Taiwanese friends/ classmates, introducing NDHU features and advantages from your own unique viewpoints, through a video project. Winners will be awarded with prizes: One Champion for NT$5,000, one Runner-up for NT$3,000, one 3rd Place for NT$2,000, and 5 excellent works for NT$1,000. In addition, one Most Popular Award $4,000NT will be chosen according to how many likes that video earned at YouTube website. Participants:All NDHU registered international students, overseas Chinese students, and Mainland China students. Application Deadline:from now until December 1st Friday, 2017 Application Method: 1. Download Registration Form from Office of International Affairs (OIA), NDHU website. 2. Make Video Project presented in film makers ‘own native language. And the video shall also provide both English and Chinese subtitles (length within 3-5 minutes). 3. Together with Registration Form, submit Video Project in file or via weblink (http://) by emailing to admission@gms.ndhu.edu.tw before December 1st Friday, 2017 4. Video that have won prizes in other contests or have been published are not eligible for submission. Please abide by Intellectual Property Right. Do not download or copy other people’s work. If there is any above violations verified and founded by OIA, the participant will result in disqualification. 5. Video Content:Video project shall be presented in film makers’own language (length within 3-5 minutes), through motion pictures, photos, subtitles, word scripts or narration. Both Chinese and English subtitles should be also added into the video. Video Selection:Top three video projects and one special award will be selected according to film shooting technique (20%), music and montage (20%), creativity & structure & presentation (25%), and marketability (35%). NOTES: 1. All participants shall attend the 2017 NDHU Donzhi Gathering Hot-pot Party, which now is arranged to hold on December 20th Friday, to present video project, share a few words, and collect the prizes. 2. The property rights to the original digital files of all the videos for this competition will belong to the organizer and will be propaganda used in the future. 3. OIA keep the rights to edit or suspend this event.
活動目的:2017影片競賽「SPARKLING NDHU」活動旨在邀請在國立東華大學(以下簡稱東華)就學境外學位生,在課餘之暇與台灣同學或朋友交流互動,並從境外學生的觀點,以自製影片介紹東華特色與優點。參加作品經專業評審評選優勝三名及入選人氣等評比頒發獎勵金(第一名獲頒NT$5,000,第二名獲頒NT$3,000、第三名獲頒NT$2,000、人氣獎獲頒NT$4,000、及五名佳作NT$1,000) 參加對象:目前在東華就讀之境外學位生(含外國學位生、僑生及陸生) 報名日期:即日起至2017年12月1日截止。 報名方式:請至國立東華大學國際事務處網站(以下簡稱本處)下載活動報名表,參加者自製英文或中文影片(長度3-5分鐘),將影片作品於12/1之前連同報名表email寄至 admission@gms.ndhu.edu.tw,或提供影片網址連結(http://)。曾參加其他影片競賽得獎或曾公開發表之作品不得參賽。遵守智慧財產保護法規定,請勿任意下載或抄襲他人作品,若有違反以上情事,將取消比賽資格。 影片內容:參加者使用母語為主要語言作為影片主要語言,同時需要後製加上英文及中文字幕(長度3-5分鐘),可利用動畫或靜態畫面、照片、字幕、旁白等方式呈現故事性。 評選標準:依影片拍攝技巧(20%)、音樂及剪輯(20%)、創意架構表現(25%)、及市場性(35%)評選優勝者三名及佳作五名,人氣獎則以youtube上點閱率最高者為獲獎條件。 備註: 1. 所有參賽者須出席本學期舉辦之「2017境外生冬至圍爐活動(預計12/20舉辦)」活動,得獎者須上台發表得獎感言(請以英文或中文發表)並獲頒獎勵金。 2. 本次活動所徵得影片之數位原始檔案著作財產權歸主辦單位所有並將作為日後國立東華大學境外招生用途。 3. 本處保有本活動修改停止之權利。
助理 陳輝庭 Harry Chen 國立東華大學國際事務處 國際宣傳與招生組
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