【Int'l】5/26 蘇帆海洋冒險體驗報名資訊 Ocean Adventure registration information
花蓮蘇帆海洋冒險教育 Hualien Ocean Adventure
1. 時間:5月26日(六) 8:00~18:00 2. 地點:花蓮縣鹽寮鄉蘇帆海洋藝術文化基金會 3. 費用:500元 (含交通、保險、午餐、及專業教練) *除了天候因素,無論任何個人因素取消皆不退費 4. 名額:國際生(中文)10位、國際生(英文)10位 5. 報名方式:線上報名: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdLGJ9Uf7wGvE_sOiyfys8-9nWlmH8_DB0UGQBZdtZJvi-M9A/viewform 6. 繳費時間:5/8早上10:00~額滿為止 (**國際處將保留已填寫完報名資料及繳費的名額,只填寫完資料未繳費視同未報名成功) 7. 午餐葷素填寫請確實報名,當日不接受任何更改 8. 繳費地點:國際處(行政大樓4樓408室) 9. 服裝:請攜帶泳裝、泳鏡,依個人需求攜帶防蚊、防曬品
****請填寫繁體字以利作業,謝謝***** ****活動三日前將寄行前通知至個人信箱**** ****行程可能因路況或天氣因素有所調整****
Taiwan is an island country. A retired professor founded Johnathan Su Marine Education Foundation in Yanliao Village, Hualien County which promotes how to love the Ocean. With the professor's teaching, students can deeply experience and learn about the Ocean. Although the unknown ocean makes us terrified sometimes, after Professor Su teaching, we will not no longer be afraid of the ocean instead of falling in love with it. In the morning, we will have a class of marine knowledge, and experience the sea swimming. In the afternoon, we will kayak to the Pacific Ocean and kayaking is one of the unique courses at NDHU. It used to kayak at the Dong Lake at NDHU but we will kayak in the Pacific Ocean this time!
1. Event Date:Saturday, May 26, 2018 2. Gathering place:Parking Lot, West Community House, NDHU 3. Qualification:International Students in NDHU (including exchange students, foreign students, overseas Chinese students and main-land China students.) 4. How to go:Go and return by the rented bus; locally move by feet. 5. Expense:NT 500 (including transport, lunch & insurance and professional instructor. And there will be no refund once you cannot attend the event.) 6. Payment Start:10:00 a.m., Tuesday, May 8, 2018 (first Come, first In) *Please complete on-line registration in advance. Payment location:OIA Office (Room 408, Administration Building) * 7. Seats limit:Chinese Seats 10;English Seats 10 8. On-line registration Web.: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdLGJ9Uf7wGvE_sOiyfys8-9nWlmH8_DB0UGQBZdtZJvi-M9A/viewform 9. Please bring swimming suit, goggles, sunscreen, and mosquito repellent 10. Please make sure you are vegetarian and fill in the form, no changes will be accepted. *****We only reserve the seat for someone already paid and finished ON-LINE registration. *****We will send the pre-notice email to you 3 days ahead of the trip. *****The schedule may be changed due to weather or the road condition
(海洋活動體驗 / Ocean Adventure Experiencing) 行程 Schedule
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