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2019 Spring NDHU Scholarship For Registered International Students-Result Announced

Dear Students,


The results of NDHU Scholarship of 2019 Spring Semester for registered students is released now.

Please check the the application system for the result. LINK: 
If you have any question, please send us an email.

Every application, results, and arrangement are fully discussed, reviewed, confirmed, and approved by the NDHU Scholarship Committee and the President of NDHU according to the regulations.

Finally, the stipend will be processed the issue procedure in the recently days. If everything is fine, then the recipients may get the stipend in two weeks.


Note: Be advised, this is for the registered/old students. If you are new student (enter NDHU in 2019 Spring semester), you can ignored this post.




Recruitment and Admission Division,

Office of International Affairs, National Dong Hwa University

TEL: +886-3-8905112


