【Int'l】Strengthen prevention of African swine fever/加強防範非洲豬瘟
African swine fever is spreading worldwide. Remind students who is planning to fly back to Taiwan of the following:
1. Do not visit stock farms during the period to return home.
2. Do not bring any meat products, such as sausages, bacon, ham, pork floss, meatballs, pork steamed buns, egg rolls, etc. into Taiwan. Violators who bring meat produces to Taiwan will be fined of NT$ 200,000 to NT$ 1,000,000.
3. If purchase meat products online from China or other epidemic area, violators will be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than seven years; in addition thereto, a fine of not more than NT$ 3,000,000.
Central Emergency Operation Center: https://asf.baphiq.gov.tw/index.php
School Health Information Site, Ministry of Education: https://cpd.moe.gov.tw/
Please pay more attention to avoid infringing the law.
OIA Jenny Hsu
Ext. 5117
1. 返鄉期間不要到畜牧相關場所參訪。
2. 回臺時不要攜帶任何肉類產品,如: 香腸、臘肉、火腿、培根、肉鬆、肉丸、肉包、蛋捲等入境。
3. 違規攜帶豬肉製品,將處罰新臺幣20萬至100萬元罰鍰。
4. 如透過網購方式購買中國大陸等疫區肉類製品來臺,最高可處7年以下有期徒刑可另處新臺幣300萬元以下罰金。
中央災害應變中心─「非洲豬瘟資訊專區」: https://asf.baphiq.gov.tw/
教育部學校衛生資訊網─「非洲豬瘟教育專區」: https://cpd.moe.gov.tw/
國際處 Jenny Hsu
分機 5117