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【Int'l】 Important notice about NHI Application 【重要:關於健保申請】


Dear all:

There was a major change on the regulation for International Students who wish to apply for NHI (National Health Insurance). This new regulation affects students who enrolled at and after 2013 Spring semester.

1.      Applicant need to have a valid ARC (alien resident certificate) to apply for NHI.

2.      Students will have to stay in Taiwan for a minimum of six calendar months continuously in order to apply. The count starts upon the date of issue of student's ARC. For example, if the date of issue on your ARC is on Feb 15, the nearest date you can apply is Aug 15.

3.      During the six months waiting period, students are allowed to leave Taiwan ONCE for no more than 30 days. If the departure is made, the nearest date for applying NHI will be postponed that many days. For example, if you leave for 20 days, your nearest date for applying NHI will be postponed for 20 days.

4.      If the student leaves for more than once or more than 30 days, the six months waiting period will be recounted, starting from the nearest date you arrive Taiwan.

Thank you for your attention. Please check the attachment file for detailed information about the regulation.

Yours truly,


Office of International Affairs






1.      申請人必須持有有效的居留證(ARC)。

2.      申請人自入台後持有合法居留證件開始算起,必須在台灣連續居住滿6個月,才能申請全民健康保險。日期由申請人居留證核發的日子開始計算。比方說,如果您居留證發證日期是2月15日,那你最近的准許申請日就是8月15日。

3.      在連續居住六個月的計算期間,申請人可以離開台灣,但以一次為限,且不能超過30天。若離開台灣,則最近的准許申請日將比照後延。比方說,如果您離開20天,那最近的准許申請日就會往後延20天。

4.      在連續居住六個月的計算期間,若申請人離開台灣超過一次,或超過30天,6個月等待期會重新計算。重新計算日以最新一次進入台灣的時間為準。




