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【Int'l】Important Note about Students with Medical Insurance【請保醫療險的同學注意】


Important Note about Students with Cathay Life Group Medical Insurance

Dear all:

For students who does not have NHI and is currently in Cathay Life Group Insurance, there is a slight change about how to do medical claim:

  1. You can now go to medicals clinics instead of just specific hospitals.
  2. You no longer need to come to OIA to get a medical certificate for doctors to fill out.
  3. You will need a CERTIFICATE OF DIAGNOSIS (診斷證明書) from the clinic or hospital you are going. If you are curing the same disease or wound and going to see the same doctor multiple times, you just need one certificate of diagnosis which has every of your treatment record written down.
  4. You can also claim the fees for applying certificate of diagnosis, please ask and keep the receipt from hospital.
  5. OIA will fill out the claim sheet for you once you have all the receipts, certificate of diagnosis, copy of your passport, ARC and bank book ready.


Office of International Affairs






  1. 理賠給付開放至各醫療院所而非特約醫院,您可至任何合法醫療院所進行治療。
  2. 看病時不需填寫就診單。
  3. 看病後請向醫療院所申請診斷證明書。若是您前往同一醫生處治療同一傷病,則只需在最後一次就診時申請診斷證明書。證明書上需載明每次看病的情況。
  4. 申請診斷證明書的費用亦可申請理賠,請保留收據。
  5. 國際事務處會幫各位同學填寫理賠申請單,請備醫療收據、診斷證明書、您護照、居留證和銀行存摺的影本以申請理賠。


