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【Int’l】Looking for presenters on July 4【徵求:東華附小講學人員】

Looking for presenters on July 4


Dear all:

The Experimental Primary School of National Dong Hwa University is looking for three to five talented presenters who wish to share the cultures their home countries to primary school teachers in Taiwan. The date and time of your class will be the morning of July 4. If you are able and willing to present on the day, please read the following guideline carefully:


What we wish you to teach

  1. The culture of your home country or your ethnic group.
  2. The culture differences between your home country and Taiwan, and how you deal with such difference after you had arrived Taiwan.
  3. You may present in both Mandarin and English.

What we wish you to bring in your class

  1. A powerpoint presentation about the topic you are going to present.
  2. Some music from your home country or culture that is able to present during the class (which does not violent the copyright, important!).
  3. Be able to provide ethnic clothing or items that represent your culture.
  4. Able to lead everyone to do a DIY of a cuisine from your home country is a plus.


Presenters will be paid according to the length of their presentation. There will be cars to take you to the school so travel is nothing to be worried. If you are interested please write a sample proposal about what you are going to teach, what you are able to bring, and if you are able to lead DIY cooking or not. Participants from any country is welcomed, join now.

If you also wish to participate in the International Week from June 3 – June 7, the print material you used in the exhibition will be a strong supplemental material for you to use in this presentation.

For the detail of International Week please check:






  1. 您的母國與所屬民族的文化
  2. 您的母文化與台灣文化的差異。還有您當初到了台灣後,如何調適使自己適應這樣的文化差異。
  3. 您可以國語(普通話)和英文講授課程。


  1. 授課者須提供與講述主題相關的Powerpoint簡報。
  2. 提供足以代表您母文化的音樂並在課堂上撥放(請注意不要違反版權)。
  3. 提供能代表您母文化的服裝或物件。
  4. 若您能帶領學員們製作一道家鄉菜,優先考慮錄取。




