【Int'l】Update!! 6/14, 9/13, 9/26 NIA in NDHU service 【6/14 9/13 9/26移民署到校服務】
!!Update!! NIA in NDHU service 【移民署到校服務】
Dear all: National Immigration Agency Hualien County Service Center will come to NDHU on June 14, September 13 and September 26 for ARC extension and other related services. If you are planning to leave Taiwan and your ARC will expire before your returning date, or you just need an early ARC extension service on June 14, please reply with your name and student ID written down before June 10 so I can write the official document to NIA as a proof (for service on September 13 and 26, you don’t need to reply now). Because on the September 13 session, there will be many new students using the service. If you are currently enrolled students, you may consider using the service on September 26.
NIA NDHU service time: Date: June 14 (Fri.), September 13 (Fri.) and September 26 (Thr.) Time: 10:00 – 14:00 Location: June 14 - Room 416 in Administrative Building (beside OIA office) September 13 – To be announced September 26 – To be announced
Please prepare the following for ARC extension: 1. Your current ARC 2. NT$ 1000 for one year of extension 3. Original and copy of your passport and resident VISA 4. Original and copy of your student ID 5. Application form and one passport photo
Thank you.
Yours truly, Jasper Office of International Affairs
各位同學好: 移民署花蓮服務站將於6月14日、9月13日與9月26日前來東華大學,替同學辦理居留證延期等事宜。如果你將在暑假離開台灣,而回台日期會超過居留證期限,或有提早辦理居留證延期的需求,請在6月10日前回報您的姓名與學號,我們將統整後寄公文交移民署憑辦,謝謝(需9月13日與26日服務的同學暫時不須回應)。 因為9月13日當天會有相當多新生使用服務,若您是在校生,也可考慮使用9月26日的服務以避免人潮擁擠。謝謝。
移民署來訪資訊: 日期:6月14日(五)、9月13日(五)、9月26日(四) 時間:10:00 – 14:00 地點:6月14日-行政大樓416室(國際處旁) 9月13日-尚未決定,請待公告 9月26日-尚未決定,請待公告
須辦理居留證延期的同學請於當日準備: 1. 你現在的居留證 2. 每延長一年期限需付手續費1000元新台幣 3. 護照與居留簽證正本、影本各一份 4. 學生證正本、影本各一份 5. 居留證延期申請表與護照照片一張
祝 平安喜樂 世軒 國際事務處