【活動Int'l】3/14 Meet the OIA 3/14 與國際長有約
Dear all,
How is your begining of this semester going? How about having some refreshment after all the hard studying? Office of International Affairs will be hosting this semester’s tea party. All international students are welcome to join the party; we have prepare some tea and snacks. If you have anything you would like to share with us, it is also welcome! Hope to see you at the party.
Date: March 14th, 2014 Time: 1330-1500 Location: Room 416, Administration Building, 4F (next to the OIA) Online Registration: http://www.oia.ndhu.edu.tw/files/87-1114-726.php
You are also welcomed to join and chat with us even if you just happen to pass by.
Yours best,
Harry Chen Office of International Affairs
學期剛開始,一切都還順利嗎? 想放輕鬆一下,吃點點心喝茶聊天嗎? 想分享一些在東華的生活經驗或是建議給大家知道嗎? 國際事務處將在今年3月14日舉辦期初茶會,歡迎大家報名參加,和來自各國的同學暢談分享!
日期:2014/03/14 時間:1330-1500 地點:行政大樓4F,416會議室(國際處旁) 報名網址:http://www.oia.ndhu.edu.tw/files/87-1114-726.php
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