Dear all:
Dou you have any travel plan during summer vacation? If you have budget considerarion and have fun, you may consider "Taiwan Tour Bus"!
Taiwan Tour Bus is coached by Tourism Bureau of Taiwan and has schedules 36 kinds of trips which include the major scenic spots in Taiwan. It will lead you to experience Taiwan’s city life, Taiwanese’s passion and hospitality, the ecology in farms, the spectacular scenery, hot springs and delicious food, shopping and Chinese holiday activities and to rediscover the charming characteristics of “Formosa.” In the global village, Taiwan, about 36000 square kilometers, is always your perfect travel destination all year around.
If you are interest in Taiwan Tour Bus, you can refer the following website for futher information:
暑假期間各位有甚麼旅行計畫嗎? 如果你有預算的限制,你或許可以考慮「台灣觀巴」!
台灣觀巴由交通部觀光局輔導旅行業者依自由行旅客之需求,集合全臺灣各大景點,規劃多種精采旅遊行程,輕鬆優遊臺灣FORMOSA這個美麗島的-時尚城市風華、 溫暖風土人情、深度農村生態、極致天然美景、溫泉美食、購物與節慶活動, 讓您重新發現臺灣無限魅力所在! 地球村的風潮下「臺灣」是亞洲地區極具觀光魅力的美麗寶島, 約3.6萬多平方公里內,一年四季都有憾動您的好風采!!