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[Int'] 10/15 Request for International Students to Be Volunteers in Inter-cultural Communication Workshop

Request for International Students to Be Volunteers in Inter-cultural Communication Workshop


Objectives: To enhance our teachers’ inter-culture communication ability through actual interaction with international students of NDHU.


Participants of the Workshop: Teachers of The Experimental Primary School of National Dong Hwa University (NDHUEPS)


Time: 2:00~4:00pm, Wednesday, Oct 15th, 2014




Activities planned for the Workshop: 
1. International students share their own culture with NDHUEPS teachers through preparation of traditional dishes, or physical activities like sports, dance and music.

2. International students are invited to bring/wear their traditional costumes or accessories to share with the teachers.
Number of International students needed: 10


13:30~13:50 Making own Name card and discuss with the work-shop manager.
14:00~15:30 Speech of NDHUEPS president. Group activity time.
15:30~16:00 Sharing Experiences Time
16:00 Activity Finish

Student who would like to join the event, please send us your plan (For Group Activity ) to


Deadline for application: 9/24 12:00 pm

