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[Forward] Summer University Prague 2015, Charles University

1. Programme: Summer University Prague 2015


2. Topic: ‘‘Reconfiguring Europe: an Old Continent in a New Millennium”


3. Venue: Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic


4. Date: September 5 – 20


5. ‘‘The Summer University organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Institute of International (Area) Studies wants to satisfy demand for a shorter intensive summer programme which would enable students and young researchers from all over the world to gain new knowledge and experience.’’


6. ‘‘The study programme is internationally acknowledged and recognized; successful participants will be given 12 ECTS credits.’’


7. For detailed information please see the official homepage or the attached file.


8. Contact Information:

Tel: (+420) 251 080 250

Fax: (+420) 251 620 294


Skype: summer-university-prague

Facebook: Spring and Summer Universities Prague





Elvia Wang, OIA

Ext. 4107
