【Int'l活動公告】5/2 Namuan Multicultural Farming Field Trip 春天南安部落農事體驗與多元文化學習之旅
Namuan Multicultural Farming Field Trip
Dear all, Namuan Village is located within Zhuoxi Township in southern Hualien County. At the foot of Yushan, the highest mountain in Taiwan, Namuan live mostly the Bunun tribal people. For generations, the Bunun had been living by hunting, gathering and growing millet in the mountain areas, but was forced to move down to lowland areas to grow rice during the Japanese colonization. Forced migration had changed their traditional ways of living, and recruited the Bunun into the regime of modern agriculture, using chemical pesticides and fertilizers to increase productivity at the cost of human health and the sustainability of the ecosystem. With increasing environmental and cultural awareness, the Namuan villagers started organic farming one year ago in an attempt to connect with the plantation wisdom and heritage of the Bunun tradition. It has been one year of sweat and tears as the farmers are experimenting the bio-friendly, yet labor-intensive method of agriculture. As the spring approaches, you’re cordially invited to join the Namuan farmers. While getting your feet wet in the soil, you may hike the gorgeous Walami Trail, experiencing a trip filled with rich history and fascinating stories of the Bunun Tribe.
7. Online Registration System: http://www.oia.ndhu.edu.tw/files/87-1114-726.php ---------------- 春天南安部落農事體驗與多元文化學習之旅 各位同學們好: 南安部落位於花蓮縣南邊卓溪鄉,台灣最高峰的玉山山腳下,主要的居民為台灣的原住民族--布農族。布農族人世代居住在山裡,以打獵、採集以及種植小米等作物為生。日本統治台灣時,強制將布農族人遷徙至平原地區,引入水稻耕作,徹底改變了布農族人的文化與生活方式。現代農業使用農藥及化肥來增加產量,但造成生態環境破壞與健康的威脅。過去一年裡,南安部落開始嘗試有機耕作,而農友開始面臨雁鴨、福壽螺與雜草等挑戰。 在這片美麗的大地上,邀您捲起褲管,一同彎腰感受農夫的勞動,實地體驗土地的柔軟與溫度,並同遊充滿生命與歷史記憶的瓦拉米步道,在春天的林間田裡聆聽布農族人的故事。
A. 因課程及計畫因素,保留15名給講英文的同學 B. (以完成繳費者為優先,名額有限,先搶先贏) 7. 報名網址:http://www.oia.ndhu.edu.tw/files/87-1114-726.php
本次活動是由多元文化中心及國際處主辦。 This event is hold by both Center for Multicultural Education and Office of International Affairs.
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