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【Int'l活動公告】5/2 Namuan Multicultural Farming Field Trip 春天南安部落農事體驗與多元文化學習之旅

Namuan Multicultural Farming Field Trip


Dear all,

Namuan Village is located within Zhuoxi Township in southern Hualien County. At the foot of Yushan, the highest mountain in Taiwan, Namuan live mostly the Bunun tribal people. For generations, the Bunun had been living by hunting, gathering and growing millet in the mountain areas, but was forced to move down to lowland areas to grow rice during the Japanese colonization. Forced migration had changed their traditional ways of living, and recruited the Bunun into the regime of modern agriculture, using chemical pesticides and fertilizers to increase productivity at the cost of human health and the sustainability of the ecosystem.

With increasing environmental and cultural awareness, the Namuan villagers started organic farming one year ago in an attempt to connect with the plantation wisdom and heritage of the Bunun tradition. It has been one year of sweat and tears as the farmers are experimenting the bio-friendly, yet labor-intensive method of agriculture. As the spring approaches, you’re cordially invited to join the Namuan farmers. While getting your feet wet in the soil, you may hike the gorgeous Walami Trail, experiencing a trip filled with rich history and fascinating stories of the Bunun Tribe.


  1. Event Date:Saturday,  2 May, 2015
  2. Gathering place:Parking Lot, West Community House, NDHU
  3. Qualification:Students in NDHU (including international exchange students, foreign students, overseas Chinese students and main-land China students.)
  4. How to go:Go and return by the rented bus; locally move by feet.
  5. Expense:NT 200 (including transport, lunch, insurance fee and tribal interpreter fee.)
  1. There will be no refund once you cannot attend the event.
  2. Registration Period:12:00, Tuesday, 21 April, 2015 to 17:00 , Friday, 24, April 2015 (No acceptance after due day)
  3. Please complete on-line registration & submit the expense before Deadline.
  4. Please come to OIA and pay the fee.
  1. Participants Requirement:30
    1. Due to the courses and project issue, we will provide 15 participants for English-Speaking Students at least.
    2. In order to have your guarantee, you will only be counted in after paying the expense, so it may probably be full ahead of the deadline as long as we have received enough participants.

     7. Online Registration System







  1. 活動日期:2015年5月2日(星期六)

  2. 集合地點:多容館後方停車場

  3. 報名資格:東華大學全體學生 (含交換學生、僑生、陸生、外國學生)

  4. 活動費用:新台幣200元整

    1. 含交通、保險及玉山國家公園導覽解說費用,若活動當日未到、因故無法如期參加均恕不退費

    2. 請至國際處繳交相關費用。

  5. 報名期間:2015月4月21日(星期二)12:00至4月24日(星期五) 17:00截止,逾期不候 (請在期限前完成線上報名 以及繳交參訪費用)

  6. 名額限制:30人

A. 因課程及計畫因素,保留15名給講英文的同學

B. (以完成繳費者為優先,名額有限,先搶先贏)

  7. 報名網址:

  1. 活動行程:(行程可能因路況或天氣因素有所調整)



This event is hold by both Center for Multicultural Education and Office of International Affairs.

