University of Manitoba - Intensive English Program – Bursary
University of Manitoba提供獎學金給有意參與Intensive English Program之學生,相關資訊如下:
1. The $1,900 bursary includes the following: (1) One month tuition fee in the Intensive English Program (IEP) (valued at $1,200) (2) One month homestay fee in the IEP (valued at $700) ✽The IEP tuition fee includes use of textbooks and participation in all socio-cultural activities. The recipient of the bursary is responsible for all additional costs such as transportation to and from home country, and health and travel insurance.
2. 獎學金名額:共1名(所有參與課程之各國學生),由University of Manitoba審查。
3. 本校推薦名額:不限。有意參與Intensive English Program,於期限內繳交指定文件, 且經國際處確認文件符合資格者,即可獲得推薦送University of Manitoba進行審查。
4. 申請標準: (1) Student should be in need of financial assistance (i.e. cannot afford tuition for a study abroad program) (2) Student must demonstrate that his/her academic record is in good standing (3) Student must demonstrate a keen interest in studying English and in experiencing life on a Canadian university campus (4) Student must be willing to be an ambassador for the University of Manitoba upon return to his/her home country
5. 意者請於2015/5/4(一)17:00前繳交申請文件至國際處,資料不齊或逾期恕不受理。 申請文件: (1) 需經濟補助以赴海外學習之書面證明 (請同學提供資料,自行舉證)。 (2) 前一學期or歷年英文成績單正本 (請至教務處註冊組加蓋歷年排名章)。 (3) 赴University of Manitoba學習之動機 (英文、電腦繕打、A4一頁、頁末親筆簽名)。
6. 獲補助者須於2016/3/31前使用此獎學金。課程相關資訊請參閱 IEP-General Brochure,Important Dates Calendar或 http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/coned/english/intensive/index.html
國際處 王小姐 分機: 4107 E-mail: ice@mail.ndhu.edu.tw
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