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【Int'l活動公告】2015 Study in Taiwan Online Survey Event Rules 2015 留學臺灣線上問卷調查


Dear all,


Each year, many international students come to Taiwan for better higher education. More than 30,000 foreign students are currently studying in Taiwan. If you are one of them, your opinions are crucial for us. We sincerely invite you to participate in our online survey. Tell us what you think about Study in Taiwan,” and you might be the lucky one to win an iPad mini!


Event website:

Hosted by: Foundation for International Cooperation in Higher Education of Taiwan

Qualification: International students who are currently studying in university or graduate school in Taiwan, including overseas Chinese students, Mainland China students, exchange students, Chinese learning center students, and foreign students. Each participant is allowed to participate in the event once.

What we are looking for: Your opinions of Study in Taiwan


Important dates:

1.  Deadline for Participation: October 23, 2015.

2.  Announcement: Announcement of the winners will be made on our website on November 6.


How to join the survey?

Go to our website, sign in via Facebook account, and answer all questions. Youre all set!



Lucky Draw Prize: The lucky draw winners will be selected randomly, and must not have been awarded any other prizes by FICHET during the event.

1.  First Prize: convenient store gift coupon equivalent of 12000NTD

2.  Second Prize: convenient store gift coupon equivalent o8000NTD

3.  Third Prize: convenient store gift coupon equivalent of 3000NTD

4.  2 Selected Prizes: convenient store gift coupon equivalent of 1000NTD


Please Note:

1. The winners will be announced at the event websit( on November 6, 2015.

2. By participating in the online survey, you agree with all the policies of this event, including the privacy policy. On the infringement of plagiarism, fraud or other illegal behavior, FICHET reserve the right to cancel the qualification, prize, and certificate, and to pursue legal liability. Those who cause any harm to FICHET or any other third parties should bear the civil and/or criminal liability.




一、 緣起
二、 專案內容
(一)名稱: 2015 留學臺灣線上問卷調查
(三)執行方式 :採線上問卷調查(Internet nternetnternet nternet-Mediated ediated ediated Questionnaire uestionnaire uestionnaire uestionnaire ), 邀請調查期間就讀於國內大專校院之境外學生上網填答問卷。填答問卷完成,可獲得抽獎資格。
(五)問卷內容:題目共20題,兼具知性及趣味性,題組包含留學臺灣就學情況調查及對臺灣民主政治發展之理解 。
(六)調查對象:活動執行期間, 具備大專校院或華語中心學籍之境外生 (含陸生 、僑外籍及華語),每位學生限填答 1次。
(七)調查日期: 104 年 10 月 5日至 10 月 23 日 24 時止。
(八)活動獎勵: 本活動提供獎共計 為鼓勵學生踴躍填答,本活動提供獎共計 5名, 由電腦隨機抽出超商禮券 12,000 元( 1名)、超商禮券 8,000 元( 1名)、 3,000 元( 1名)及 1,000 元( 2名)。得獎者並依法扣繳機率中獎稅。
(九)公告與領獎: 中獎名單將於 104 年 11月 6日前公告於官方網站,中獎人須於104 年 11 月 16 日前填寫中獎確認單並檢附相關資料回覆本會(郵戳為憑),逾期回或未者視同自願放棄中獎資格。
三、 宣傳方式
(二)網路宣傳: SIT網站、SIT臉書及國際學生相關社團