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What's the application eligibility of NDHU scholarship?

Q: What is the application eligibility of NDHU scholarship?


1. Newly admitted students: Newly admitted International Students who followed the proper application procedures for International Students and are officially enrolled at NDHU. Scholarships will be awarded to students with outstanding performances after a review of their application documents and academic achievements.

2. Currently enrolled students:

     (1) Students who have been enrolled for at least one semester of full-time study, have successfully completed their courses, and have no record of serious infractions (reprimand, minor demerit, major demerit, detention or expulsion from school).

     (2) Students who are working on their PhD or Master’s thesis and have not signed up for any courses in the precious semester can submit their thesis proposal along with their application during the application period. The thesis proposal should contain the research motivation and objectives, the research structure and design, the data sources and collection methods, the thesis outline, and a bibliography.

3. Recipients of scholarships from the Taiwanese government or other Taiwanese government related agencies are not eligible to apply.

4. Students should have no record of infractions more serious than reprimands.

Contact peson: Ms Dylan Hu  Tel: +886 3 8634112  E-Mail:
