Luanshan Culture Tour 鸞山文化之旅
Office of International Affairs takes international students to Luanshan Forest Museum in Taitung on May 7, 2016. Luanshan tribe is located in Luanshan village, Yanping Township, Taitung County. The tribe well preserves the mixed species of Machilus and Ficus. The local Bunun calls ‘‘Luanshan’’ ‘‘Sazasa,’’ which means ‘‘It is the land where sugar canes can grow tall, animals are dynamic, and people can live well.’’ The proprietor Aliman and other Bunun turned the tribe into a forest museum without fences, buildings and electricity. They devote themselves to preserving the forest and promoting environment education, culture reconstruction, cross-tribe interaction, tribe tours, outdoor spiritual formation, and ecology tours. The tour is full of all kinds of activities, including climbing trees, savoring the indigenous-style meal, pounding mochi, and experiencing Pasibutbut (Eight-part Polyphony). Apart from enjoying the beautiful Nature and tribal culture, we also express our gratitude by planting trees. On the way back to Hualien, we stop at the old Yuli Bridge. The bridge lies on the boundary between the Eurasian Plate and Philippine Sea Plate. By standing on the bridge, one can cross the two Plates. Students find it interesting and fall over themselves to take pictures. There are 37 international students from Indonesia, India, China, Thailand, and Mongolia, who participate in the tour. Through this activity, students get to know and interact with one another, enjoy the fascinating scenery of Hualien and Taitung, and experience the local culture.
國際事務處於105年5月7日(星期六)帶領境外學生前往臺東鸞山森林博物館。鸞山部落位於臺東縣延平鄉鸞山村,保有完整的楠榕混生林帶。居住在部落的布農族人稱鸞山為「Sazasa」,意思是「這是一個甘蔗會長得高、動物會活躍、人會活得很好的一塊地。」館長阿力曼與族人將部落化為沒有圍籬、建築物及電力設施之森林博物館,致力保留森林的原始風貌,並希望藉此推展環境教育、文化重建、族群交流、部落遊學、野外靈修、生態體驗。 參訪活動豐富而充實,包括攀爬樹木、品嚐原住民風味餐、搗麻糬、體驗八部合音等,沉浸在大自然的懷抱及部落文化之餘,更藉由種樹表達對土地的感謝。回程的路上行經玉里,特別帶學生去走玉里舊橋,這座橋位在歐亞板塊與菲律賓海板塊的交界帶,站在橋上即可同時跨越兩個板塊,對此學生深感興趣,爭相拍照留念。 此次活動共計37名境外學生參與,分別來自印尼、印度、中國、泰國、蒙古。學生在活動的過程中彼此認識、交流,悠遊花東觀賞山水風光,並深入體驗在地文化。
Group picture with the Walking Trees 與會走路的樹合影 ( 照片來源:石書亭)
Students pound mochi together. 學生合力搗麻糬。 ( 照片來源:石書亭)
Plant a branch of Common Jasmin Orange to express gratitude to Nature. 種下七里香的枝條表達對大自然的感謝。 ( 照片來源:石書亭)
Two students pose to show the movement of the Plates. 兩位學生擺出模仿板塊運動的姿勢。 ( 照片來源:石書亭)
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