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外國籍學生至本校實習申請系統/NDHU Foreign Student Internship Application System
*Full Name / 姓名: *Nationality / 國籍: *Gender / 性別:
*Starting Date of your Internship in NDHU/ 實習開始日: Calendar *Closing Date of your Internship in NDHU/ 實習結束日: Calendar
*Application Form (A) / 申請表 (A):
不需填寫。 Not required to fill out.
*Application Form (B) / 申請表 (B):

Form (B) Download 申請表(B)表格下載

*A Copy of Passport / 護照資料頁影本:
*Passport-Size Photo / 護照規格照片:
*Enrollment Verification / 在學證明:
*Transcript for all Semesters/ 歷年成績單:
*Agreement Issued by the applied Dept. or Institution / 實習系所或單位同意書:
*Internship Plan / 實習計畫書:

Internship plan

(Either in English or Chinese; typeset in 12-point Times New Roman; single spaced; at least one A4 page; the plan must include the following contents: 1. what you want to do and achieve during the internship, 2. how the internship link to your current study program/graduate requirement, 3. requirements of internship venue, dates, and supervisor, 4. funding, and any subsidies involved in the intern)


(中英皆可;12號字;字型 Times New Roman 或 標楷體; 單行間距;至少 A4紙一頁;內容須載明實習內容及其與就讀課程或畢業條件之關係、場域、起訖期間、實習指導人、實習經費、實習生支領之獎助學金或生活津貼金額等。)

*A Proof that Internship is Required / 必要實習證明:

A proof that internship is compulsory for program or graduation

(course outline, syllabus, program/graduate requirements, etc.)



*Letter of Commitment / 承諾書:

Letter of Commitment Download 承諾書表格下載

Health Report / 健康檢查報告:
For those who plan to staying in Taiwin more than 3 months need to submit health report.


*Insurance Certificate / 保險證明:

For your safety, you are required to purchase medical and accident insurance at your own coutry.


Other Documents (If any) / 其他文件:
請輸入此驗證碼 更換驗證碼